Fraud & Active Duty Alerts
Are you concerned about Fraud or Identity Theft?
A Fraud Alert is a notice you can add to your Innovis Credit Report that informs creditors that you may be a victim of fraud. Creditors are required to take extra steps to verify your identity prior to establishing any new credit in your name, or seeking an increase in your credit limits.
An Active Duty Alert functions the same as a Fraud Alert, but Active Duty Alerts are designed for individuals who are on active military duty or for a reservist under an order to active duty.
Innovis Fraud and Active Duty Alert OptionsAn Alert begins on the date your request is received and verified.
- An Initial Fraud Alert remains in effect for 12 months
- An Extended Fraud Alert remains in effect for 7 years
- An Active Duty Alert remains in effect for 12 months
Online: To add or extend, submit the Fraud & Active Duty Alert Request Online form.
To remove, please log in and view Fraud and Active Duty Alerts on your credit report.
1-866-712-0021Mail: Complete the Fraud & Active Duty Alert Request by Mail form.
Visit Innovis' Learning Center for more information about Fraud & Active Duty Alerts and your rights as a consumer.
Innovis does not share Fraud or Active Duty Alerts with Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion. Please contact at least one of the Nationwide Consumer Reporting Agencies (NCRAs) to make your request.
Other Solutions
Ordering a copy of your Innovis Credit Report is the first step to managing your credit information.
If you have identified errors on your Innovis Credit Report, we can investigate them on your behalf.
You can Block fraudulent information caused by identity theft from appearing on your Innovis Credit Report
You can block adverse information on your Innovis Credit Report that you believe is the result of illegal trafficking.
To prevent others from accessing your Credit Report, we can assist you with placing a Security Freeze. Protect your credit and limit access to your personal financial information.
Opt-Out of or Opt-In to receiving firm offers of credit or insurance.