Deceased Consumer Statement
To request Innovis add a deceased statement to a family member or friend’s Innovis Credit Report, send a death certificate to:
- Innovis Consumer Assistance
- PO Box 530088
- Atlanta, GA 30353-0088
Innovis will notify you in writing that we have added a deceased statement to the consumer’s Innovis Credit Report.
Provide your name and address. Additionally, provide the consumer's name, address, date of birth, and Social Security Number.
Deceased Consumer Credit Report Request
If you are the spouse of a deceased person or a representative legally authorized to act on the person's behalf such as the executor of the estate, you may request the Innovis Credit Report of the deceased consumer by sending in a copy of the death certificate to:
- Innovis Consumer Assistance
- PO Box 530088
- Atlanta, GA 30353-0088
Provide your name and address, the consumer's name, address, date of birth, and Social Security Number, and if the death certificate does not list you as the spouse or informant, the court documents authorizing you to legally act on their behalf.
You should receive the Report in 7-10 business days.