Consumer Reporting Agencies supply marketing lists to creditors and insurers which use these lists to make firm offers of credit or insurance. Opting-Out refers to the process of removing your information from these lists.
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What is Opt-Out?
How do I Opt-Out?
How do I Opt-In?
How do I Opt-Out from other types of Direct Mail?
What is Opt-Out?
Opting-Out prevents Consumer Reporting Agencies from providing your information to creditors and insurers to make firm offers of credit or insurance that are not initiated by you.
How do I Opt-Out?
To request that your name be removed from lists generated by Consumer Reporting Agencies only, contact
OptOutPrescreen at www.optoutprescreen.com.
Information is then shared with Innovis and the Nationwide Consumer Reporting Agencies (Equifax,
Experian, and TransUnion).
How do I Opt-In?
If you are currently participating in Opt-Out and want to request that your information be added back onto lists generated from Consumer Reporting Agencies only, contact OptOutPrescreen
at www.optoutprescreen.com. Information is then shared with Innovis and the Nationwide
Consumer Reporting Agencies (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion).
How do I Opt-Out from other types of Direct Mail?
To Opt-Out from other types of direct mail (catalogs, new business announcements, coupon offers, etc.) contact the Direct Marketing association at www.dmachoice.org or mail your request to the address below:
- DMAchoice
- Direct Marketing Association
- P.O. Box 643
- Carmel, NY 10512